Military Symbols Study Guide
By: CPT James Pistell
Posted on: 06SEP2020
Revised: 02NOV2020
Military Symbol Fundamentals
Military symbols are logograms that represent words or phrase that are used to depict abstract graphic representations of a unit, equipment, installation, activity, control measure, or tactical mission task relevant to military operations. They are used for course of action sketches, visualizing operations orders, planning, or to represent a current common operational picture on a map, display, or overlay. This guide will go into a brief overview of some of the core concepts of military symbology as outlined by MIL-STD 2525D. For further reading please consult ADP 1-02 or FM 1-02.2
Table of Contents
- Affiliation
- Echelon and Non-Echelon Amplifiers
- Main Icons for Units
- Main Icons for Units - Command and Control
- Main Icons for Units - Fires
- Main Icons for Units - Intelligence
- Main Icons for Units - Movement and Maneuver
- Main Icons for Units - Protection
- Main Icons for Units - Sustainment
- Main Icons for Units - Special Operations
- Main Icons for Units - Combatant Command
- Main Icons for Units - Functional Combatant Command
- Main Icons for Units - Sub-unified Command
- Main Icons for Units - ARFOR
- Main Icons for Units - Sector 1 Modifiers
- Main Icons for Units - Sector 2 Modifiers
- Alphanumeric Unit Designations
- Attached and Detached Amplifiers
- Task Organization Amplifier
- Command Post Amplifier
- Examples of Military Symbols
Framed symbols are used to depict units, equipment, installations, and activities by using a combination of main icon, modifiers amplifiers, and color (optional) to complete the military symbol construct. The frame is the border of the symbol serves as the base to which other symbol components are added, and indicates the standard identity, physical domain, and status of the object being represented. In framed symbols, color provides a redundant clue with regard to standard identity, we use blue to depict friendly units, red for hostile, yellow for unknown or pending and green for neutral.
Assumed Friendly
Assumed Hostile
Echelon and Non-Echelon Amplifiers
An echelon is a separate level of command. In addition, there is also a separate echelon known as a non-echelon command. A non-echelon command is a unit or units, an organization, or an area under the command of one individual. It does not correspond to any of the other echelons.
Team or Crew
A small military unit that consists of all personnel operating a particular system. This is the smallest echelon and should not be confused with company team and brigade combat team.
A small military unit typically containing two or more fire teams.
A tactical unit of the Army and Marine Corps smaller than a platoon and larger than a squad.
Platoon: A subdivision of a company or troop consisting of two or more squads or sections.
Detachment: A tactical element organized on either a temporary or permanent basis for special duties.
Company: A unit consisting of two or more platoons, usually of the same type, with a headquarters and a limited capacity for self-support.
Troop: A company-size unit in a cavalry organization.
Battery: A company-size unit in a field artillery or air defense artillery battalion.
Battalion: A unit consisting of two or more company-, battery-, or troop-size units and a headquarters.
Squadron: A unit consisting of two or more troop-size units and a headquarters in a cavalry organization.
Regiment or Group
A unit consisting of 2 or more battalions.
A unit consisting of two or more battalions and a headquarters company or detachment.
An echelon of command and tactical formation that employs brigade combat teams, multi-functional brigades, and functional brigades to achieve objectives on land.
An echelon of command and tactical formation that employs divisions, multi-functional brigades, and functional brigades to achieve objectives on land.
An echelon of command designated as the Army Service component command responsible for recommendations of allocations and employment of Army forces to the geographic combatant commander.
Army Group
Note: Used in North Atlantic Treaty Organization or multinational military operations.
The echelon of command that employs commands and forces to achieve geographic area objectives.
Command (Non-Echelon)
Note: Command is a non-echelon symbol amplifier. It represents a unit specifically supporting a theater or corps command. The symbol above is an example of a Sustainment Command supporting a corps
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Main Icons for Units
Most U.S. Army main icons for units were determined by table of organization and equipment and modified table of organization and equipment descriptions in the Force Management System of the U.S. Army Force Management Support Agency. This section also includes a limited number North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and civil authority main icons.
Main Icons for Units - Command and Control
Military symbols that represent the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. Also called C2
Description: The integrated employment, during military operations, of information related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own.
Type: Main icon - Command and Control
Description: This symbol represents the capability to translate orally for parties conversing in different languages, and turn documents into one’s own or other language.
Type: Main icon - Command and Control
Description: United States military, Department of Defense civilians and contractor personnel (and others designated by the President or Secretary of Defense) who are separated from their unit (as an individual or a group) while participating in a United States sponsored military activity or mission and are, or may be, in a situation where they must survive, evade, resist, or escape.
Type: Main icon - Command and Control
Description: That contact or intercommunication maintained between elements of military forces or other agencies to ensure mutual understanding and unity of purpose and action.
Type: Main icon - Command and Control
Description: Communication activities with external and internal audiences.
Type: Main icon - Command and Control
Description: Provides and secures the network for commanders to conduct command and control and integrate the other warfighting functions across the range of military operations.
Type: Main icon - Command and Control
Description: The space and terrestrial systems, equipment, facilities, organizations, and personnel necessary to access, use and, if directed, control space for national security.
Type: Main icon - Command and Control
Description: An organic unit of a modular brigade, division (or equivalent), corps or higher echelon responsible for planning, preparing, executing, and assessing internal support requirements. Typically has a headquarters and headquarters and a signal company, but may include other functional supporting units.
Type: Main icon - Command and Control
Main Icons for Units - Fires
Military symbols that represent the use of weapons systems to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target
Description: Defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or aerodynamic missiles, or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack.
Type: Main icon - Fires
Reference: JP 3-01
Description: Direct [active and passive] defensive actions taken to destroy, nullify, or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air and ballistic missile threats against friendly forces and assets.
Type: Main icon - Fires
Reference: JP 3-01
Description: Air-naval gunfire liaison (ANGLICO). If you don't know what these are, they are Marines, they often get attached to Army units.
Type: Main icon - Fires
Description: Equipment, supplies, ammunition, and personnel involved in the use of cannon, rocket, or surface-to-surface missile launchers.
Type: Main icon - Fires
Reference: JP 3-01
Description: Generic (unspecified) missile unit
Type: Main icon - Fires
Description: Defense measures designed to destroy attacking enemy missiles, or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack.
Type: Main icon - Fires
Reference: JP 3-01
Main Icons for Units - Intelligence
Military symbols that represent the product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign nations, hostile or potentially hostile forces or elements, or areas of actual or potential operations.
Description: Conducts intelligence operations as part of information collection across the Army’s strategic roles.
Reference: FM 2-0
Type: Main icon - Intelligence
Main Icons for Units - Movement and Maneuver
Military symbols that represent the related tasks and systems that move and employ forces to achieve a position of relative advantage over the enemy and other threats.
Description: Provides long range direct fires with TOW missiles and 105mm (millimeter) main gun rounds respectively.
Reference: ATP 3-21.91
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Provides main battle tank weapons system with 120mm smoothbore cannon and increased armor protection.
Reference: ATP 3-90.1 & ATP 3-20.15
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Conducts reconnaissance and security with armored tracked fighting vehicles to support the brigade’s awareness and knowledge in the area of operations.
Reference: ATP 3-20.96
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Conducts attack and air movement functions in support of ground maneuver in the area of operations or area of interest.
Reference: FM 3-04
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Conducts aerial reconnaissance and security tasks in close coordination with the brigades Cavalry squadrons.
Reference: FM 3-04 & FM 3-98
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Conducts air movement of personnel, leaders, critical supplies, equipment and systems during the conduct of offensive, defensive, stability, and defense support of civilian authorities operations throughout the depth and breadth of the area of operations or are of interest.
Reference: FM 3-04
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Conducts reconnaissance and security to support friendly forces awareness and knowledge in the area of operations.
Reference: FM 3-98 & ATP 3-20.96
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Combines the efforts of armor units and mechanized infantry units to execute tactical missions as part of a combined arms operation.
Reference: ATP 3-90.5 & ATP 3-90.1
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Provides Soldiers trained, armed, and equipped to fight dismounted by means of fire and movement in order to destroy, defeat, capture, or repel an enemy assault.
Reference: ATP 3-21.20
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Provides armored tracked fighting vehicles to transport and support Soldiers trained, armed, and equipped to fight dismounted by means of fire and movement.
Reference: ATP 3-90.5 & ATP 3-90.1
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: A Stryker brigade combat team asset that provides precise long range direct fire in support of Infantry and Cavalry units.
Note: This main icon is placed about 1/8 from the left edge of the inside of the frame.
Reference: ATP 3-21.21 & ATP 3-21.91
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: Organic fire support to battalions, squadrons, companies, and troops, and are available to a commander when other indirect fire support is not available.
Reference: ATP 3-21.90
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Description: The systematic observation of aerospace, surface or subsurface areas, places, persons, or things by visual, aural, electronic, photographic, or other means.
Type: Main icon - Movement and Maneuver
Main Icons for Units - Protection
Military symbols that represent the preservation of the effectiveness and survivability of mission-related military and nonmilitary personnel, equipment, facilities, information, and infrastructure deployed or located within or outside the boundaries of a given operational area
Description: Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) —civil authority
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) — civil authority
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) —Recognizes vulnerabilities, identifies and understands CBRN hazards, and their consequences when they appear, and response appropriately to protect the force.
Reference: ADP 3-37
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives—Recognizes components that are threats or potential hazards with adverse effects in the operational environment.
Reference: ATP 3-37.11
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, reconnaissance—Executes operations to obtain by visual observation or other detection methods, information on the potential or actual CBRN hazards and threats in an area of operations.
Reference: ATP 3-11.37
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Provides Soldiers with technical skills and equipment to provide freedom of action or land power by mitigating the effects of terrain.
Reference: FM 3-34
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) — civil authority
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Fire department — civil authority
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Internal Security Force — civil authority
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Law enforcement — civil authority
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Provides command and control of forces from multiple branches, but especially those that conduct support area and maneuver support operations for the force.
Reference: FM 3-81
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Provides law enforcement activities to control and protect populations and resources to facilitate the existence of a lawful and orderly environment.
Reference: FM 3-39
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Police department — civil authority
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: Measures taken by a military unit, activity, or installation to protect itself against all acts designed to, or which may, impair its effectiveness.
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: United States Marshall Service — civil authority
Type: Main icon - Protection
Description: United States Secret Service — civil authority
Type: Main icon - Protection
Main Icons for Units - Sustainment
Military symbols that represent the provision of logistics and personnel services required to maintain and prolong operations until successful mission accomplishment
Description: Provides support contracting services, along with contracting advice and assistance, primarily to Army forces and to joint forces when directed, and is organized along functional lines.
Reference: ATP 4-92
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: The detection, identification, on-site evaluation, rendering safe, recovery, and final disposal of unexploded explosive ordnance. The detection, identification, on-site evaluation, rendering safe, exploitation, recovery, and final disposal of explosive ordnance. Also called EOD.
Reference: JP 3-34 & FM 4-30
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Provides timely commercial vendor services and contractual payments, various pay and disbursing services, and oversight and management of the Army’s Banking Program.
Reference: FM 1-06 & FM 4-0
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Provides operational effectiveness of the total force by anticipating, manning, and sustaining military operations.
Reference: FM 1-0
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Provide subject matter experts in all of the core legal disciplines and are counselors, advocates, and trusted advisors to commanders and Soldiers.
Reference: FM 1-04
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Ensures unit readiness by maintaining weapon systems and equipment in a fully mission-capable status for immediate and continuous employment in complex and highly lethal environments.
Reference: FM 4-0, FM 4-30, & ATP 4-33
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Promotes, improves, conserves, or restores the behavioral and physical well-being of personnel in the Army, and as directed in other Services, agencies, and organizations.
Reference: FM 4-02
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: A facility established for the purpose of furnishing medical and/or dental care to eligible individuals. Any facility established for the purpose of providing medical treatment. This includes battalion aid stations, role 2 facilities, dispensaries, clinics, and hospitals.
Reference: JP 4-02 & FM 4-02
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Provides for the search, recovery, identification, preparation, and disposition of human remains of persons for whom the Services are responsible by status and executive order.
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Serves as a combat multiplier and plays an integral part in the sustainment of forces engaged in unified land operations.
Reference: ATP 1-19
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Provides munitions, maintenance, and explosive ordnance disposal support to generate and maintain combat power and to provide protection to Army, joint, intergovernmental, interagency and multinational forces.
Reference: FM 4-30
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Sustainment functions that man and fund the force, maintain Soldier and family readiness, promote the moral and ethical values of the nation, and enable the fighting qualities of the Army.
Reference: FM 4-40
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Provides supply and field services to enable freedom of action, extend operational reach, and prolong endurance.
Reference: FM 4-40
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Provides for the free exercise of religion and providing religious, moral, and ethical advisement and leadership.
Reference: FM 1-05
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Support that includes parachute packing, aerial delivery equipment repair, external sling load, rigging equipment and supplies for airdrop, as well as the provision of aerial delivery equipment and systems.
Reference: ADP 4-0 & ATP 4-48
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: The action of a force that aids, protects, complements, or sustains another force in accordance with the directive requiring such action. An element of a command that assists, protects, or supplies other forces in combat.
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: The provision of logistics, financial management, personnel services, and health service support necessary to maintain operations until successful mission completion.
Reference: ADP 4-0
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: A logistics function that includes movement control and associated activities to incorporate military, commercial, and multinational motor, rail, air, and water mode assets in the movement of units, personnel, equipment, and supplies in support the concept of operations.
Reference: FM 1-02.1
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Integrates and synchronizes delivery of U.S. Army Materiel Command strategic capabilities and enablers to the operational and tactical points of need in support of Army Service component commands and corps during large-scale combat operations.
Reference: FM 4-0
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Description: Provides effective and efficient handling, storing, securing, distributing, and accounting for munitions while ensuring adequate explosives safety guidelines are met.
Reference: FM 4-30
Type: Main icon - Sustainment
Main Icons for Units - Special Operations
Military symbols that represent the operations requiring unique modes of employment, tactical techniques, equipment, and training often conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and characterized by one or more of the following: time sensitive, clandestine, low visibility, conducted with and/or through indigenous forces, requiring regional expertise, and/or a high degree of risk. Also called SO.
Description: Designated Active and Reserve Component forces and units organized, trained, and equipped specifically to conduct civil affairs operations and to support civil-military operations.
Reference: JP 3-57
Type: Main icon - Special Operations
Description: (NATO Symbol) A joint function comprising a set of capabilities integral to supporting the achievement of mission objectives and enabling NATO commands to participate effectively in a broad spectrum of civil-military interaction with diverse non-military actors.
Type: Main icon - Special Operations
Description: Formerly known as PSYOPS. Military Information Support (MISO) Provides robust capabilities to effectively conduct military information support operations.
Reference: FM 3-53
Type: Main icon - Special Operations
Description: Rapidly deployable airborne light infantry organized and trained to conduct highly complex joint direct action operations in coordination with or in support of other special operations units of all Services.
Reference: JP 3-05
Type: Main icon - Special Operations
Description: The use of aircraft, surface craft, submarines, and specialized rescue teams and equipment to search for and rescue distressed persons on land or at sea in a permissive environment.
Reference: JP 3-05
Type: Main icon - Special Operations
Description: United States Navy forces organized, trained, and equipped to conduct special operations with an emphasis on maritime, coastal, and riverine environments.
Reference: JP 3-05
Type: Main icon - Special Operations
Description: United States Army forces organized, trained, and equipped to conduct special operations with an emphasis on unconventional warfare capabilities.
Reference: JP 3-05
Type: Main icon - Special Operations
Description: Those Active and Reserve Component forces of the Military Service designated by the Secretary of Defense and specifically organized, trained, and equipped to conduct and support special operations.
Reference: JP 3-05
Type: Main icon - Special Operations
Main Icons for Units - Combatant Command
Military symbols that represent a unified or specified command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander established and so designated by the President, through the Secretary of Defense and with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Description: United States Africa Command
Type: Main icon - Combatant Command
Description: United States Central Command
Type: Main icon - Combatant Command
Description: United States Cyber Command
Type: Main icon - Combatant Command
Description: United States European Command
Type: Main icon - Combatant Command
Description: United States Indo-Pacific Command
Type: Main icon - Combatant Command
Description: United States Northern Command
Type: Main icon - Combatant Command
Description: United States South Command
Type: Main icon - Combatant Command
Description: United States Space Command
Type: Main icon - Combatant Command
Main Icons for Units - Functional Combatant Command
Military symbols that are Responsible for a large functional area requiring single responsibility for effective coordination the operations therein.
Description: United States Special Operations Command
Type: Main icon - Functional Combatant Command
Description: United States Strategic Command
Type: Main icon - Functional Combatant Command
Description: United States Transportation Command
Type: Main icon - Functional Combatant Command
Main Icons for Units - Sub-unified Command
Sub-unified commands (subordinate unified commands) may be established by geographical area or functional basis by a combatant commander when authorized to do so by the Secretary of Defense through the the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Description: United States Alaskan Command
Type: Main icon - Sub-unified Command
Description: United States Forces Korea
Type: Main icon - Sub-unified Command
Main Icons for Units - ARFOR
The Army component and senior Army headquarters of all Army forces assigned or attached to a combatant command, subordinate joint force command, joint functional command, or multinational command.
Description: United States Army Africa Command
Type: Main icon - ARFOR
Description: United States Army Central Command
Type: Main icon - ARFOR
Description: United States Army Cyber Command
Type: Main icon - ARFOR
Description: United States Army, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
Type: Main icon - ARFOR
Description: United States Army Northern Command
Type: Main icon - ARFOR
Description: United States Army Pacific Command
Type: Main icon - ARFOR
Description: United States Army Southern Command
Type: Main icon - ARFOR
Description: United States Army Special Operations Command
Type: Main icon - ARFOR
Example Symbol: Allied Command Operations
Description: NATO symbol
Type: Main icon - ARFOR
Sector 1 Modifiers
This indicator is represented as the upper part of the symbol. Sector 1 modifiers are for unit capabilities (think of Armored, Bridging, Snipers, etc). These modifiers assist in providing additional information specific to the capabilities that the unit is organized and equipped to perform.

Example Symbol: Transportation unit with airfield terminal operations capability
Description: Capability to provide airfield functions that may include port clearance, movement control, onward movement, liaison, coordination, operation of holding areas, postal operations, personnel replacement processing, and life and logistic support.
Reference: JP 4-01.5
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with amphibious warfare ship (generic vessel) capability
Description: A combatant ship having organic capability to embark, land, and support landing forces in amphibious operations and which has characteristics enabling long-duration operations on the high seas.
Reference: JP 3-02
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: CBRN company with area support capability
Echelon: Company
Description: A specified geographic surface included within a delineated set of lines (boundaries) used for the purpose of facilitating coordination and deconfliction between adjacent units, formations, or other specific geographical surfaces.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry armor wheeled vehicle capability (Stryker) unit
Description: A vehicle hull equipped or protected with armor. This modifier is almost always paired with a Sector 2 modifier for wheeled or tracked.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Aviation unit with assault aviation capability
Description: A rapid military attack capability that usually involves direct combat to destroy enemy forces, or to seize and hold terrain. Commonly combined with aviation units.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Aviation unit with attack helicopter capability
Description: A type of offensive Aviation unit with assault aviation capability operation that destroys or defeats enemy forces, seizes and secures terrain, or both. Commonly combined with aviation units.
Reference: ADP 3-90
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Maintenance platoon with aviation maintenance capability
Echelon: Platoon
Description: Army aviation or rotary wing aviation – Conducts attack and air movement functions in support of ground maneuver in the area of operations or area of interest.
Reference: FM 3-04
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry Security force assistance team supporting a battalion
Echelon: Team or Crew
Description: Provides support to a battalion.
Reference: ATP 3-96.1
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: CBRN unit with biological capability
Description: Capability to detect biological warfare agent employment as a measure to provide medical treatment (See FM 3-11). A biological agent is a microorganism (or a toxin derived from it) disease in personnel, plants, or animals or causes the deterioration of materiel.
Reference: JP 3-11
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer unit with bridging capability
Description: Assets used to cross a gap; the two types of bridging are standard and nonstandard bridging.
Reference: ATP 3-90.4
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Brigade support battalion
Echelon: Battalion
Description: Provides support to a brigade.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: CBRN unit with chemical capability
Description: Capability to non-intrusively assess chemical munitions. A chemical agent is a substance that is intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate, mainly through physiological effects.
Reference: FM 3-11
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer unit with combat capability
Description: Can conduct mobility, counter-mobility, and survivability.
Reference: ATP 3-34.23
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Signal unit with command post node capability
Description: Provides SIPRNET, NIPRNET, secure and non-secure VoIP, and battlefield video teleconferencing services.
Reference: ATP 6-02.60
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Aviation unit with C2 capability
Description: The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission.
Reference: JP 1
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry Security force assistance team supporting a company
Echelon: Team or Crew
Description: Provides support to a Company.
Reference: ATP 3-96.1
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with multiple variations of vehicles
Description: A combination of different capabilities and equipment assigned or attached to a unit with a common function or purpose.
Note: This modifier symbol is interchangeable. Composite may be used as a Sector 1 or Sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: FM 4-0
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer unit with construction support
Description: A general engineering capability focused on improving or repairing austere conditions, infrastructure, and building base camps and new lines of communications.
Reference: FM 3-34
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Special troops battalion supporting a corps
Echelon: Battalion
Description: Provides support to a Corps.
Reference: ATP 3-96.1
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military intelligence unit with counterintelligence capability
Description: Capability to gather information and conduct activities to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons or their agents, or international terrorist organizations or activities.
Reference: JP 2-01.2
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military police unit with criminal investigation division capability
Description: Capabilities are particularly relevant in site exploitation and other evidence collection requirements on the battlefield, training and assistance to host nation law enforcement organizations, and collection of police information and analysis and production of police and specific criminal intelligence critical in identifying, understanding, and attacking criminal networks operating against U.S. interests.
Reference: ATP 3-39.12
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Civil affairs unit with cross cultural communications capability
Description: The capability to communicate with individuals who have differences in culture (nationality, ethnicity, race, gender).
Reference: FM 3-18
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military police unit with crowd and riot control capability
Description: Capability to use chemical compounds that are developed, in part, for military use (riot control agents, smokes, obscurants), but not as weapons.
Reference: FM 3-11
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military intelligence unit with Cyberspace operations capability
Description: The employment of cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace.
Reference: JP 3-0
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: CBRN unit with decontamination capability
Description: The process of making any person, object, or area safe by absorbing, destroying, neutralizing, making harmless, or removing chemical or biological agents, or by removing radioactive material clinging to or around it.
Note: The Decontamination modifier is interchangeable and be used as a Sector 1 or Sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: JP 3-11
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military police unit with detention capability
Description: Capability to shelter, sustain, guard, protect, and account for populations or groups (detainees or U.S. military prisoners) as a result of military or civil conflict or to facilitate criminal prosecution.
Reference: FM 3-63
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Signal unit with digital capability
Description: Related to Signal units
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer unit with diving capability
Description: Capability to conduct scuba and surface diving operations to a depth of 190 feet in a maritime environment in support of combat, general, and geospatial engineering.
Reference: FM 3-34
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Sustainment brigade supporting a division
Echelon: Brigade
Description: Provides support to a Division.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Special forces company with working dog capability
Echelon: Company
Description: (Working Dog) A canine capability that enhances security, police operations, and force protection missions (counter improvised explosive device operations, assured mobility).
Reference: ATP 3-39.34
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer unit with drilling capability
Description: Capability to detect and assess water sources and drilling water wells.
Reference: FM 3-34
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military intelligence unit with electronic warfare capability
Description: Military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy. Also called EW.
Reference: JP 3-13.1
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Maintenance unit with electro-optical capability
Description: Imaging systems used for military or law enforcement applications which include both visible and infrared sensors. This is usually used with night vision devices.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer platoon with electric generation capability
Description: Capability to produce electrical power by converting fuels or other energy sources to electricity.
Reference: ATP 3-34.45
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Signal unit with enhanced capability
Description: Provides network installation, troubleshooting, quality assurance testing, and handoff coordination to enable the transition from tactical to semi-permanent automation support.
Reference: FM 6-02
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Ordnance unit with explosive ordnance disposal capability
Description: The detection, identification, on-site evaluation, rendering safe, recovery, and final disposal of unexploded explosive ordnance. The detection, identification, on-site evaluation, rendering safe, exploitation, recovery, and final disposal of explosive ordnance. Also called EOD.
Reference: JP 3-42
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Forward Support Company
Echelon: Company
Description: An inherent designed capability to function effectively in positions located in geographic proximity of an objective.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery fire direction center unit
Description: That element of a command post, consisting of gunnery and communications personnel and equipment, by means of which the commander exercises fire direction and/or fire control. Also called FDC.
Reference: JP 3-09.3
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer unit with general engineering capability
Description: Those engineering capabilities and activities, other than combat engineering, that provide infrastructure and modify, maintain, or protect the physical environment.
Reference: JP 3-34
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer unit with geospatial capability
Description: Information that identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the Earth, including: statistical data and information derived from, among other things, remote sensing, mapping, and surveying technologies; and mapping, charting, geodetic data and related products.
Reference: JP 2-03
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery brigade headquarters
Echelon: Brigade
Description: A place from which a commander performs the functions of command.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Sustainment brigade supporting an independent support command
Echelon: Brigade
Description: Provides support to an independent support command.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation battalion with intermodal capability
Echelon: Battalion
Description: Type of international freight system that permits transshipping among sea, highway, rail, and air modes of transportation through use of American National Standards Institute and International Organization for Standardization containers, line haul assets, and handling equipment.
Note: The Intermodal modifier is interchangeable and be used as a Sector 1 or Sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: JP 4-09
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Signal unit with jamming capability
Description: Capability to broadcast a signal tuned to frequencies with enough power to override signals at the receivers (spot jamming or barrage jamming).
Note: The Jamming modifier is interchangeable and be used as a Sector 1 or Sector 2 modifier with the same meaning. In order to avoid overlapping of symbols you will need to shorten the line of the main icon to allow space for the Sector 1 modifier.
Reference: ATP 6-02.70
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Signal unit with joint node network capability
Description: Provides connection to the regional hub node uses a dedicated frequency division multiple access satellite communications link, and shares bandwidth among Command Post Nodes using network centric waveform satellite communications.
Reference: ATP 6-02.60
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Aviation unit with organic maintenance capability
Description: Ensures unit readiness by maintaining weapon systems and equipment in a fully mission-capable status for immediate and continuous employment in complex and highly lethal environments.
Note: The Maintenance modifier is interchangeable and be used as a Sector 1 or Sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: FM 4-0 and ATP 4-33
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Aviation unit with medical evacuation capability
Description: The timely and effective movement of the wounded, injured, or ill to and between medical treatment facilities on dedicated and properly marked medical platforms with en route care provided by medical personnel.
Reference: ATP 4-02.2
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with Role 1 capability
Description: Unit-level medical care capability provided by the combat medic or medical treatment provided by the battalion aid station.
Note. This modifier offsets to the right to avoid overlapping with the main icon.
Reference: ATP 4-02
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with Role 2 capability
Description: Capability to provide care by area support squads or medical treatment platoons of medical companies with greater medical capabilities available than Role 1.
Note. This modifier offsets to the right to avoid overlapping with the main icon.
Reference: ATP 4-02
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with Role 3 capability
Description: Capability to provide care to all categories of patients, to include resuscitation, initial wound surgery, damage control surgery, and postoperative treatment.
Note. This modifier offsets to the right to avoid overlapping with the main icon.
Reference: ATP 4-02
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with Role 4 capability
Description: Medical care capability found in CONUS-based medical treatment facilities, robust OCONUS medical treatment facilities, and other safe havens.
Note. This modifier offsets to the right to avoid overlapping with the main icon.
Reference: ATP 4-02
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery unit with meteorological capability
Description: Capability to provide weather and weather forecasting data.
Reference: ATP 2-22.7 and ATP 3-34.80
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with watercraft capability
Description: Capability to conduct heavy lifting associated with water transport operational maneuver and intra-theater lift of units, equipment and supplies.
Note: This modifier symbol is interchangeable. The Watercraft Symbol may be used as a Sector 1 or Sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: ATP 4-15
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation rail unit with mobile advisor and support capability
Echelon: Team or Crew
Description: Capability to asses, plan, and coordinate with host nation and or local population.
Reference: FM 4-0
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with mobility support capability
Description: Capability to support, breaching operations, clearing operations, gap-crossing operations, traffic control plan development, main and alternate supply route regulation and enforcement, passage of lines, straggler movement control.
Reference: ATP 3-39.30
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Mechanized armored infantry unit with mortar capability
Description: Organic fire support to battalions, squadrons, companies, and troops, and are available to a commander when other indirect fire support is not available.
Reference: ATP 3-21.90
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Multinational transportation unit with multiple variations of vehicles
Description: Between two or more forces or agencies of two or more nations or coalition partners.
Reference: JP 5-0
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: HIMARS Artillery unit with multiple rocket launcher capability
Description: Multiple Launch Rocket System / High Mobility Artillery Rocket System capability
Reference: ATP 3-09.60
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer battalion with maritime terminal support construction capability
Echelon: Battalion
Description: Capability to provide support functions to fixed, unimproved, bare beach, and/or degraded port facilities, and at off-shore anchorages.
Reference: JP 4-01.5
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Signal unit with network operations capability
Description: Activities conducted to operate and defend the Global Information Grid.
Reference: JP 6-0
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: CBRN unit with nuclear capability
Description: Capability of assessing, exploiting, characterizing, and disabling facilities associated with the nuclear fuel cycle in semi-permissive or permissive environments. Advises commanders on the risks associated with these facilities, provide detailed information related to potential material proliferation, and make recommendations on how to dispose of nuclear material.
Reference: FM 3-11
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation support operations unit
Description: Capability to execute the principal planning and operating functions of a unit.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with palletized load system capability
Description: A fitted integral self-loading and unloading cargo system capability.
Reference: FM 4-01
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Quartermaster unit with POL storage capability
Description: Capability to receive, stock, or distribute petroleum products.
Reference: ATP 4-43
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Quartermaster unit with pipeline capability
Description: A capability that consists of pipeline sets, pipeline pump stations, and pipeline support equipment. Its primary function is to transport fuel from one area to another.
Reference: ATP 4-43
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Personnel services unit with postal service capability
Description: Capability to operate as an extension of the United States Postal Service consistent with public law and federal regulations beyond the boundaries of U.S. sovereignty and provides postal services for all DOD personnel where there is no United States Postal Service available during normal and contingency operations.
Reference: FM 1-0 and FM 4-0
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery unit with radar capability
Description: A device or system consisting usually of a synchronized radio transmitter and receiver that emits radio waves and processes their reflections for display and is used especially for detecting and locating objects or surface features.
Reference: ATP 3-09.12 and ATP 3-27.5
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Chemical unit with radiological capability
Description: Capability to coordinate radiological Survey Missions.
Reference: FM 3-11
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with railway capability
Description: Provides rail network capability and infrastructure assessments, and coordinates contracts.
Note. This modifier symbol is interchangeable. The Railway symbol may be used as a Sector 1 or Sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: FM 4-0, FM 4-01 and ATP 4-14
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Signal unit with retrans capability
Description: Capability to extend the range of single-channel radio networks to support command and control in retrograde operations.
Reference: FM 6-02
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer unit with riverine support capability
Description: Provides water transport to move troops and equipment.
Reference: ATP 4-15
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Aviation (rotary) unit with search and rescue capability
Description: The use of aircraft, surface craft, submarines, and specialized rescue teams and equipment to search for and rescue distressed persons on land or at sea in a permissive environment.
Reference: JP 3-50
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military intelligence unit with sensor capability
Description: Capability to observe or receive a signal or observable from a person or object.
Reference: FM 2-0
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military intelligence unit with signal intelligence capability
Description: Intelligence derived from communications, electronic, and foreign instrumentation signals.
Reference: JP 2-0
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery unit with single rocket launcher capability
Description: (shoulder-launched munitions) - unguided free-flight rocket and a launcher that contains all features and controls necessary to aim, fire, and engage targets.
Reference: TM 3-23.25
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry unit with sniper capability
Description: A specialized trained marksman with tactical skills and techniques, that is highly capable at conducting detailed surveillance and shooting at exposed enemy's forces from a concealed vantage point.
Reference: TM 3-22.10
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery unit with survey capability
Description: Provides position and azimuth determining global positioning system capability.
Reference: ATP 3-09.12
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Signal unit with tactical satellite communications capability
Description: Self explanatory
Reference: ATP 3-05.60 and ATP 6-02.54
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery unit with target acquisition capability
Description: The detection, identification, and location of a target in sufficient detail to permit the effective employment of weapons.
Reference: JP 3-60
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Sustainment Command supporting a theater army
Description: Provides support to a theater army.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Sustainment Command supporting a theater of operations
Description: Provides support to a theater.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Aviation (fixed-wing) unit with UAS capability
Description: A system whose components include the necessary equipment, network, and personnel to control an unmanned aircraft. Also called UAS.
Reference: JP 3-30
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Aviation (rotary-wing) unit with utility helicopter capability
Description: Equipment designed or adapted for general purpose use.
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Signal unit with combat camera capability
Description: Specially-trained expeditionary forces from Service-designated units capable of providing high-quality directed visual information during military operations.
Reference: JP 3-61
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Quartermaster unit with water production capability
Description: Capability to receive, stock, produce, or distribute water
Reference: FM 4-0 and ATP 4-44
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry unit with machine gun and anti-armor capability
Description: Heavy weapons systems capability (machine guns and anti-armor weapons) to provide additional combat power.
Reference: ATP 3-21.10 and ATP 3-21.20
Type: Sector 1 Modifier
Sector 2 Modifiers
This indicator is represented as the lower part of the symbol. Sector 2 modifiers provide additional information specific to the capabilities of a unit. A good rule of thumb about Sector 2 Modifiers is they reflect the mobility of a unit or size, range or altitude of a piece of equipment (think of Air Assault, Wheeled, Mountain, etc...)

Example Symbol: Infantry unit with airborne capability
Description: Capability to parachute into an objective area
Reference: JP 3-18 and FM 3-99
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry unit with amphibious capability
Description: Capability to conduct amphibious operations within the littorals.
Reference: JP 3-02
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military Intelligence unit with electronic warfare analysis capability
Description: Capability to conduct a detailed examination of anything complex in order to understand its nature or to determine its essential features.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery unit with armored self propelled (tracked) capability
Description: A vehicle equipped or protected with armor, and with a continuous band of treads or track plates for self-propelled mobility.
Note: As a sector 2 modifier, this symbol represents an armored self-propelled tracked vehicle capability.
Reference: ATP 4-15
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with blood support capability
Description: A capability to receive, account, store, and distribute blood and blood products.
Reference: ATP 4-02.1
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with combat and operational stress control capability
Description: A capability that provides behavioral health services such as consultation and combat and operational stress control.
Reference: FM 4-0
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation battalion with capability control (movement control)
Echelon: Battalion
Description: An action taken to eliminate a hazard or reduce its risk.
Note: This symbol demonstrates the capability and authority to exercise restraining or directing influence (regulating) over a specific function.
Reference: ATP 4-15
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with multiple variations of vehicles
Description: A combination of different capabilities and equipment assigned or attached to a unit with a common function or purpose.
Note: This modifier symbol is interchangeable. Symbol may be used as a sector 1 or sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: ATP 4-0
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: CBRN unit with chemical decontamination capability
Description: The process of making any person, object, or area safe by absorbing, destroying, neutralizing, making harmless, or removing chemical or biological agents, or by removing radioactive material clinging to or around it.
Note: This modifier symbol is interchangeable, and can be used as a sector 1 or sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: JP 3-11
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with dental service capability
Description: provide consultation, early treatment of severe oral and maxillofacial injuries; and augment medical personnel (as necessary) during mass casualty operations.
Note: This modifier offsets to the right to avoid overlapping with the main icon.
Reference: FM 4-02
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military Intelligence unit with electronic warfare direction finding capability
Description: A procedure for obtaining bearings of radio frequency emitters by using a highly directional antenna and a display unit on an intercept receiver or ancillary equipment.
Reference: JP 3-13.1
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Guerrilla infantry unit
Description: An irregular, predominantly indigenous member of a guerrilla force organized similar to military concepts and structure in order to conduct military and paramilitary operations in enemy-held, hostile, or denied territory. Although a guerrilla and guerrilla forces can exist independent of an insurgency, guerrillas normally operate in covert and overt resistance operations of an insurgency
Reference: ATP 3-05.1
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with heavy vehicle capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Air and missile defense unit with high altitude capability
Description: Typically used in missile and rocket units
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military Intelligence unit with electronic warfare intercept capability
Description: To receive (a communication or signal directed elsewhere) usually secretly.
Reference: FM 2-0 and FM 6-02
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with intermodal capability
Description: Type of international freight system that permits transshipping among sea, highway, rail, and air modes of transportation through use of American National Standards Institute and International Organization for Standardization containers, line haul assets, and handling equipment.
Note: This modifier symbol is interchangeable. Symbol may be used as a sector 1 or sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: JP 4-09
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military intelligence unit with electronic warfare jamming capability
Description: Capability to broadcast a signal tuned to frequencies with enough power to override signals at the receivers (spot jamming or barrage jamming).
Reference: ATP 6.02.70
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: CBRN unit with laboratory capability
Description: A place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysis.
Reference: FM 4-02
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with landing craft capability
Description: Provides vessels (Landing Craft Utility 2000 or Landing Craft Mechanized-8) to increase access to austere points on the littorals that are unavailable to land forces, and to link ship and shore operations centers.
Reference: ATP 4-15
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with light vehicle capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with light and medium vehicle capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military intelligence unit with long range unmanned aircraft system capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Air defense unit with low altitude capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Armor (tracked) platoon with organic maintenance capability
Echelon: Platoon
Description: Ensures unit readiness by maintaining weapon systems and equipment in a fully mission-capable status for immediate and continuous employment in complex and highly lethal environments.
Note: This modifier symbol is interchangeable. Symbol may be used as a sector 1 or sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: FM 4-0, FM 4-30, and ATP 4-33
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical Treatment Facility with Role 3 and medical bed capability
Description: A capability to identify and locate available adequate bed assets for current and anticipated needs.
Reference: FM 4-02, ATP 4-02.5, and ATP 4-02.55
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with medium vehicle capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Air defense unit with medium altitude capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military intelligence unit with medium range unmanned aircraft system capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Air defense unit with medium to high altitude capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry unit with mountain capability
Description: Capability to conduct mountain warfare.
Reference: ATP 3-90.97
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Cavalry squadron, multifunctional
Echelon: Squadron
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with tug (ocean-going) capability
Description: Class A 128-foot large tug capable of coastal and ocean towing and docking and undocking operations with large ocean vessels.
Reference: ATP 4-15
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with optometry capability
Description: A capability to provide optometry care, optical fabrication, and repair support.
Reference: FM 4-02
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry unit with over-snow capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry unit with pack animal capability
Description: An animal transport system capability that enhances mobility when the area of operations restricts normal methods of transport or resupply.
Reference: ATP 3-18.13
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with preventive medicine capability
Description: Capability that provides consultation and conducts medical surveillance which includes health risk communication, education, field sanitation, pest and vector control, disease risk assessment, environmental and occupational monitoring and health surveillance, preventive medicine measures, health threat controls for waste (human, hazardous, and medical) disposal, food safety inspection, and potable water surveillance.
Reference: FM 4-02
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with railway capability
Description: Provides rail network capability and infrastructure assessments, and coordinates contracts.
Note. This modifier symbol is interchangeable. Symbol may be used as a sector 1 or sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: FM 4-02
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with recovery capability
Description: Actions taken to extricate damaged or disabled equipment for return to friendly control or repair at another location.
Reference: JP 3-34
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer unit with riverine capability
Description: Provides water transport to move troops and equipment.
Reference: ATP 4-15
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Military intelligence unit with electronic warfare search capability
Description: A systematic reconnaissance of a defined area, so that all parts of the area have passed within visibility.
Reference: JP 3-50
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry security force assistance brigade
Echelon: Brigade
Description: The Department of Defense activities that support the development of the capacity and capability of foreign security forces and their supporting institutions.
Reference: JP 3-20
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with surgical capability
Sector 2 Modifier: Surgical
Description: Capability to provide life or limb saving operative treatment using specialized instruments to repair or stabilize a patient.
Note: This modifier offsets to the right to avoid overlapping with the main icon.
Reference: FM 4-02
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with seaport service craft yard capability
Description: For units with maritime capabilities
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Air defense unit with short range capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry unit with ski capability
Description: Provides specialized equipment used by trained individuals with skills to negotiate arduous snow-covered terrain.
Reference: ATP 3-90.97
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Infantry unit with sled capability
Description: Multi-use; for many types of units.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation seaport unit with deployment support capability
Description: Global ocean and inland waterway port manager and surface transportation service provider as part of U.S. transportation command’s Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise.
Reference: FM 4-0
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Quartermaster unit with supply capability
Description: The process of providing all items necessary to equip, maintain, and operate a military command.
Reference: FM 1.02.1
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Engineer platoon with support capability
Echelon: Platoon
Description: 1. The action of a force that aids, protects, complements, or sustains another force in accordance with the directive requiring such action.
2. A unit that helps another unit in battle.
3. An element of a command that assists, protects, or supplies other forces in combat.
Reference: JP 1
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery unit with towed capability (towed howitzer)
Description: Prime mover capability to pull a piece of equipment unable to move on its own.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation unit with tug (harbor) capability
Description: Class B vessel that supports movement of barges and lighterage of various types in harbors, port areas and during LOTS anchorage.
Reference: ATP 4-15
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Fixed-wing unit with vertical take-off and landing capability
Description: Capability to take off and land vertically.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Artillery unit with very heavy artillery capability
Description: Applies to field artillery only.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Medical unit with veterinary service capability
Description: A capability that provides consultation, animal care, food protection, and veterinary public health services
Note: This modifier offsets to the right to avoid overlapping with the main icon.
Reference: ATP 4-02
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: Transportation headquarters unit with watercraft capability
Description: Capability to conduct heavy lifting associated with water transport operational maneuver and intra-theater lift of units, equipment and supplies.
Note: This modifier symbol is interchangeable. Symbol may be used as a sector 1 or sector 2 modifier with the same meaning.
Reference: ATP 4-15
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Example Symbol: CBRN reconnaissance unit with armored wheeled (high mobility) vehicle capability
Description: A wheeled capability that can traverse various types of off-road terrain, unimproved routes, and paved road networks.
Type: Sector 2 Modifier
Alphanumeric Unit Designations
The alphanumeric unit designation identifies the unit being displayed, and it may consist of a number consistent with the unit designation, function, and a higher echelon chain of command. The unit designation construct begins with the unit’s own designation (number, or letter, or acronym), followed by a higher echelon command designation.
Example Symbol: 1st Platoon, 51st Transportation Company, 181st Transportation Battalion

When to use hyphens
Hyphens (-) are only used to depict combat units that maintain regimental affiliations but have no regimental headquarters and are organized as part of a brigade. The use of the hyphen in the unit designation construct retains the units’ traditional regimental affiliation and avoids confusing units that do not have a regimental commander from regiments which have remained organized with a regimental headquarters.

Example Symbol: Alpha Troop, 2nd Squadron, 101st Cavalry Regiment
Higher Echelon Commands
This is an additional text amplifier that provides unit symbols a space for the title or number of the higher echelon command (corps are designated by Roman numerals).
Example Symbol: Alpha Troop, 2nd Squadron, 101st Cavalry Regiment, 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 42nd Infantry Division

Attached and Detached Amplifiers
This amplifier is used at brigade echelons and below. Use a plus (+) symbol when reinforcing (attaching) one or more sub-elements of a similar function to a headquarters. (See JP 3-0 for more information on attached sub-elements.) Use a minus symbol (–) when reducing (detaching) one or more sub-elements of a similar function to a headquarters. Use a plus and minus symbol (±) when reinforcing (attaching) and reducing (detaching) one or more sub-elements of a similar function to a headquarters. See FM 6-0 for additional information on attachment and detachment

Reinforced (attached)

Reduced (detached)

Reinforced and Reduced (attached and detached)
Task Organization Amplifier
A temporary grouping of forces designed to accomplish a particular mission.
Note: This amplifier is sized to correspond with the echelon amplifiers being used. The height of the amplifier is one-third of the size of the height of the frame.

Example Symbol: Light Infantry Company Task Force
Echelon: Company
Description: A company team is a combined arms organization formed by attaching one or more nonorganic armor, mechanized infantry, Stryker infantry, or infantry platoons to a tank, mechanized infantry, Stryker, or infantry company, either in exchange for, or in addition to, its organic platoons.
Reference: ADP 5-0
Type: Task Organization Modifier
Example Symbol: Mechanized Armored Airborne Infantry Headquarters Task Force
Echelon: Battalion
Description: A battalion task force is a maneuver battalion-size unit consisting of a battalion headquarters, at least one assigned company size-element, and at least one attached company-size element from another maneuver or support unit (functional or multifunctional).
Reference: ADP 5-0
Type: Task Organization Modifier
Example Symbol: III Marine Expeditionary Force
Echelon: Marine Expeditionary Force
Description: A Marine expeditionary force (MEF), formerly known as a Marine amphibious force, is the largest type of a Marine air-ground task force. A MEF is the largest building block of United States Marine Corps combat power.
Reference: ADP 5-0
Type: Task Organization Modifier
Command Post Amplifier
A command post is a unit headquarters where the commander and staff perform their activities. The headquarters staff indicator (field S) is always used in conjunction with the command post and command group amplifiers
Example Symbol: Combat Trains Command Post
Description: Controls and coordinates administrative and logistical support.
Reference: ATP 6-0.5
Type: Command Post
Example Symbol: Early Entry Command Post
Description: A lead element of a headquarters designed to control operations until the remaining portions of the headquarters are deployed and operational.
Reference: FM 6-0
Type: Command Post
Example Symbol: Field Trains Command Post
Description: A facility containing a personnel administration center, elements of the S-4 (battalion or brigade logistics staff officer) sustainment staff section, elements of company supply sections, and elements of the forward support company.
Reference: ATP 6-0.5
Type: Command Post
Example Symbol: Main Command Post
Description: A facility containing the majority of the staff designed to control current operations, conduct detailed analysis, and plan future operations.
Reference: ATP 6-0
Type: Command Post
Example Symbol: Tactical Command Post
Description: A facility containing a tailored portion of a unit headquarters designed to control portions of an operation for a limited time.
Reference: FM 6-0
Type: Command Post
Military Symbol Examples
Before we go on, a brief overview of some valid military symbols with their additional amplifiers and modifiers that you could use.
Example Symbol: Rotary Wing Aviation (attack) Battalion
Echelon: Battalion
Description: 1st Aviation Battalion (attack), 25th Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Infantry (mountain capability) Battalion
Echelon: Battalion
Description: 2nd Infantry Battalion (mountain capability),1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, 3rd Corps
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Cavalry (light) Troop
Echelon: Company
Description: B Troop (light), 2nd Squadron, 101st Cavalry Regiment, 27th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 42nd Infantry Division
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Infantry Battalion
Echelon: Battalion
Description: 4th Infantry Battalion (armored high mobility vehicle capability), 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Engineer (supporting a brigade) Battalion
Echelon: Battalion
Description: 14th Brigade Engineer Battalion, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Brigade Support Battalion
Echelon: Battalion
Description: 299th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Ranger Battalion
Echelon: Battalion
Description: 2nd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Military Intelligence battalion with unmanned aircraft system capability
Echelon: Battalion
Description: 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion (unmanned aircraft system [UAS] capability), 66th Military Intelligence Brigade
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Field Artillery Battalion (self-propelled multiple rocket launcher capability)
Echelon: Battalion
Description: 6th Field Artillery Battalion (self-propelled multiple rocket launcher capability), 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Transportation Battalion
Echelon: Battalion
Description: 181st Transportation Battalion, 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command, 3rd Corps
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Forward Support Company
Echelon: Company
Description: 67th Forward Support Company, 201st Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division
Reference: FM 1-02.2
Example Symbol: Special Forces ODA
Echelon: Platoon
Description: Operational Detachment Alpha 595 (pack animal capability), C Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group
Reference: FM 1-02.2